Clare chastises Cherie
According to BBC News Online Clare Short has slammed Cherie Blair for making money out of her position as wife of the PM.
The saga is likely to continue.
Is this clamour for cash anything to do with the expensive house Mr and Mrs Blair bought, yet have been unsucessful in renting out.
Perhaps we could have a whip round?
The saga is likely to continue.
Is this clamour for cash anything to do with the expensive house Mr and Mrs Blair bought, yet have been unsucessful in renting out.
Perhaps we could have a whip round?
At Friday, June 10, 2005 12:23:00 pm, Serf said…
TB has the ultimate income generator lined up. If he waits for Schroder and Chirac to go, he will be top dog in Europe and a shoo in for a top paying well pensioned job.
At Friday, June 10, 2005 8:05:00 pm, Jonathan Sheppard said…
I'm sure he won't go short!
At Saturday, June 11, 2005 7:36:00 pm, Jonathan Sheppard said…
True - I'm sure the Blair family are also extremely outraged at the "Vote Blair out" bands that are selling like a treat!
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