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The despatch box

We're you thinking what the Conservatives were thinking? Did you believe the Lib Dems were the real alternative? Is Labour moving forward not back? This blog will focus on all things political. It will be irritating, agitating and maybe just maybe it will get you thinking.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Ahhh - I've deferred success in getting elected to Parliament

Has the world gone mad? Is the politically correct brigade taking over the world. Apparently the word failure shouldn't be used in schools any more. Why you may ask? Perhaps it damages the self esteem of pupils.

Don't be so ridiculous. In life you succeed in some things and you fail in others - and hope your successes outnumber your failures. I didn't have deferred success in getting elected to Parliament in May - I failed. Man Utd didn't have deferred success in winning the title last season - they failed. Paris didn't have deferred success in winning the Olympics - and the terrorists that bombed London certainly didn't have deferred success - they failed to break the British spirit!

Failure isn't always bad - they say you learn more from your accidents and failures than most of the lessons you learn at school.

Come on - isn't it about time to fight back against this nonsense.


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