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The despatch box

We're you thinking what the Conservatives were thinking? Did you believe the Lib Dems were the real alternative? Is Labour moving forward not back? This blog will focus on all things political. It will be irritating, agitating and maybe just maybe it will get you thinking.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Lib Dem intruige (part one)

There I was sitting at "The Despactchbox" cafe - having my morning Americano (required after catching the 5:30 train to London) when who should I see but Ming Campbell. He looked to be enjoying breakfast.... when who should enter by Mark Oaten.

Would it be pistols at dawn, or abuse over a latte - unfortunately not. It look like the meeting of the two contenders was fairly amicable and what could have been a tense situation had passed.

Ten minutes later whos should appear looking as though he was searching for friendly colleagues - none other than Simon Hughes. It took a while but he eventually found a coleague to share a coffee with.

Oh isn't the Lib Dem leadership race fun!


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