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The despatch box

We're you thinking what the Conservatives were thinking? Did you believe the Lib Dems were the real alternative? Is Labour moving forward not back? This blog will focus on all things political. It will be irritating, agitating and maybe just maybe it will get you thinking.

Monday, September 05, 2005

New BBC poll puts Clarke as most popular

A new ICM poll done by BBCs Newsnight suggests that Ken Clarke would make the most popular leader by quite a margin. According to their research 40% said Clarke would make the best leader compared with 10% for the nearest challenger Ken Clarke.

Whilst this is interestimg it still doesn't tell the whole story. Ken has launched his campaign. Davis hasn't formally announced - and others like Cameron just wont be that well known with the public.

I wonder how many members of the public would have picked out Blair following John Smith's death. Probably not as many as we would imagine. I look forward to the BBC paying for a poll to see who would make the most popular replacement to Tony Blair. I suspect all of the Tory contenders would top the current premier in that opinion poll.


  • At Tuesday, September 06, 2005 11:41:00 am, Blogger Serf said…

    Trust the BBC to do this.

    1) The splash Ken Clarke over every programme for a week

    2) They run a poll which finds out that Clarke is the most popular.


    I doubt it.

  • At Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:12:00 am, Blogger Serf said…

    ......There's no doubt that Ken Clarke has more recognition than any other candidate......

    There is also the no cost issue. Lets be honest Ken is a likable bloke. Even if we wouldn't want him as Prime Minister, whats the harm in choosing him at ten seconds notice when ICM telephones us.


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